How To Use A Dog Training Collar
Instructions for the use of a training collar for dogs and also how to maximise your results: Firstly, you have to be aware that training collars are not simply designed as a disciplinary tool. When purchasing a training collar, it is best to contemplate which setting you plan to use the collar in as well as the temperament and personality of your dog as well.
Advances in electronic dog collar technology have allowed the manufacturers to include a large number of excellent features which make the e-collars for dog training among the highest technical systems available in the market for effective dog training. The exclusive features in these collars such as Control of Stimulation (COS), “Wide Pulse” stimulation, “vibration” and “tone only” settings as well as the “booster” function, enable both owners and also professional trainers to have the means to offer their dogs the most effective and also humane remote dog training electronic collars to be had.
Although the e-collars may be used as a corrective tool, it is not a necessary to use it as such if the trainer is properly trained in its use. If used correctly therefore, it can serve as a very effective method for dog training, hence the usage by quite a number of dog trainers who rely on them in practice. It is best though, that dog owners not actually use the e-collars unless they’ve received proper education first.
There have been a number of fairly recent changes which have caused a noteworthy improvement in training techniques for dogs. As the emphasis on the welfare of dogs increased, questions were raised regarding both the tools and training techniques which used aversive means. Due to recent research into the use of training devices which were aversive, it was possible to draw up guidelines to offer the public information regarding the possible disadvantages relating to the use of such devices employed during dog training.
In Europe, the Clinical Animal Ethology Society, using current scientific information relating to electronic dog collars, released a statement on the public position regarding canine welfare as well as punitive training techniques. This study expands and debates the arguments for and against the use of both aversive training techniques and electronic collars which led to the statement being more detailed.
Although e-collars for dog training are often viewed as a last option for certain people, these e-collars are incredibly effective at sending both finite and specific corrections. Most models for sale now offer not only changeable degrees of static shock, but also tone as well as vibration modes as well. Based on research, it appears to require only 1 or 2 shocks before the majority of dogs connect the tone to the correction. This means that it will not be necessary to use the shock function much at all.
Generally, the vibration is most often enough to cue action and also the broad range enables training off-leash to be a lot easier.